Houston’s Bike Share Ridership Up Over 65 Percent

Gail Delaughter | Houston Public Media

Bike share ridership in Houston is up over 65 percent from the same time last year, according to non-profit Houston B-Cycle.

In 2018, the number of stations essentially doubled, providing Houstonians with over 90 places to check out a bike.

“That’s the big shift we’ve seen in the early part of 2019 is that people are using the bike share system as it’s intended, which is to replace short car trips,” said B-Cycle’s Henry Morris. “While we’re seeing continued growth in that recreational ridership, the thing that’s really taken off in 2019 is that transit-oriented ridership.”

Morris said they’re now looking for ways to expand the bike share program into underserved communities. With the help of a federal grant, they’re hoping to add about 35 new stations.

B-Cycle has also received a grant that will help them set up a low-income membership option that will allow people to pay with cash — it’s designed for riders who don’t have a credit or debit card.

“We’re going to roll that program out in the Third Ward this summer,” said Morris. “That will be sort of a pilot for six months to a year and, hopefully, if it’s successful we’ll be able to expand it to other low-income communities as well.”

Morris also said they’ll keep working to encourage all Houstonians to give bike share a try.

“It’s truly incredible to see people opting into a sustainable and healthy mode of transportation and we’re looking forward to continuing that growth in Houston,” he said.

Houston BCycle